Some gen surg haikus for you The scent of bowel Is hideous and lingers But also there is awe The nature of ego Is poison to a wound To cut or to cure? Consent? What a joke The operation mystifies What is the answer? Smile in the morning Start a patient’s day out right Dawn […]
* This poem and photo are anonymous contributions from our Northern colleague in the NMP SNOW NMP author – anonymous I have come to know you As a breathe of the seasons As the constancy I look to in my life Like your perfectly shaped crystals That gently remind me Me and daddy sliding down […]
December’s Inspiration Injection
December 1st already! And what a great time of year to get creative! Here is December’s Inspiration Injection to boost your reflection. 1. December is a great time to get cozy and find warmth to inspire creative expression. 2. What is important to you at this time of year, the last month of 2013? 3. […]
And Ode to CaRMS
Where I’d like to live? The question hovers my every move. Being a soon to be physician, Stepping into elite, With promises of status, respect, stability, And opportunity and choice. It’s here where I trip, hiccup, sneeze. I want to occupy the space Where the colourful canvased creatures play. In your joy as you bike […]
Reflections on Life 2
The curves are simple, Beautiful. A mound. Sits silent, illuminated. Painted with purple, While red drips. A growing being, 34 weeks? Beyond? Time ambiguous, The curves, Life’s bends, Overwhelm. Pregnancy confirmed. Bleeding, Beating, Bodies muddle, gown. In quiet, blade waits. Since words fumble, Questions abandoned, Silent respects. Resiliency, despite. The strength in those curves.
November’s Inspiration Injection
Add a shot of art to complement your annual flu shot! This month’s Inspiration Injection is below. 1. The year has been flying – It’s November already! What’s come up in a hospital or class or life that still speaks to you? 2. November’s kinda a hibernation month – why not take the opportunity to […]
Musings From The North Wind
coral girl sitting on the edge of a cliff hair slowly shedding, nails ripped away lines mapping a birdlike face, thinned and yellow papyrus we push, you pull a playground tug of war or are we soldiers, blocking the charge riot shield stopping the longest fall to swim the depths below, every […]
The facts
The fact that you stand as I sit, And you pace as I listen. And read how you were deferred From yet another orthopedic surgeon. The fact that you’re barely older than me, With joints traumatized by dislocations. A congenital condition like loose elastic bands, And desire joint replacements as kids prefer lolli’s. The fact […]
October’s Inspiration Injection
Autumn hellos. It’s yet another lovely month to curl up with some tea, pull out a paintbrush or pen, and join and participate in the AAA project! Please find this month’s Inspiration Injection below: 1. More than a month has flown by since the start of school, what thoughts/feelings/experiences have come up? 2. How does […]
Status quo
It angered me this am, While relaying your story to my staff physician, That when I said you were Aboriginal, It seemed to legitimize The fact that you’re here, The fact that you’re dying Too early, just like 3 of your siblings already. With a heart that’s tired, Vessels clogged, ravaged by toxic levels of […]
Sometimes I Wonder
I wonder sometimes, Between 3am ward calls, And figuring out Abx dosing – Never mind what bugs we’re fighting… How you’re doing, Beyond jokes about hospital food, A great view, a good book. I wonder how you feel when I ask you What you know and why you’re here, And you respond “my heart’s on […]
September’s Inspiration Injection
September already?! Welcome Art As Adjuvant project. Whether you draw, paint, poem, or finger paint, welcome! Please find this month’s Inspiration Injection below: 1. Beginnings are a great trip to reflect using arts, whether starting first year, clerkship, thinking ahead for residency, there’s lots going on! 2. Reflections on the summer break. 3. Choose your […]
A rash
I remember today why I love medicine, Why I chose this life, Which regularly has me questioning my own sanity. On my last week of 3rd year. In dermatology [an unexpected spot for insight]. Though to call it medicine, Without hesitation is a misnomer – I prefer the social[slash]medicinal side of things, Which rarely, though […]
Finding freedom through words
(Disclaimer: this is not really health-related per say, but rather is more about writing and the process of finding and celebrating its utility in my own life.) I want to dive dolphins without splash, Fly with these unfeathered, unflighted arms, Leap over great lakes and dead seas, Challenge my shadow to double double, triple speed. […]
little ditties
she holds her truth behind her teeth and smiles small and strained the certainty of honesty is the certainty of pain of knowing that you are on a path to flayed skin and charred hearts fire is a cleansing force but the brushfire is not an inconsequential addition to a long list of casualties […]
July’s Inspiration Injection
Happy Canada Day and sunny summer! It’s another lovely month to join and participate in the AAA project. Please find this month’s Inspiration Injection below: 1. It’s summer! How does the sun and warmth enhance your creative expression? 2. Whether it’s the beginning of a new adventure (summer break? residency? research? travel? down time?) or […]
heaving sobs raw wound exposed snot and tears soaking my shoulder holding tight, holding on howling, guttural paroxysms coming in waves hiccupping for breath then spent