Art As Adjuvant Writing Competition 2014
UBC Medicine’s 1st Ever Celebration of the Written Word!
UBC Medicine is excited to launch it’s inaugural writing competition. The competition is open to all UBC medical students to celebrate the power of poetry and prose. Writing is a great way to reflect and communicate and this competition aims to encourage this process, just as “adjuvants” boost the immune system in vaccines.
Deadline is March 28th, 2014.
Parameters: Participants are invited to submit any written work on any topic, including pieces related to the medical humanities. Limited to 2 submissions per person, can by any style (including creative nonfiction, fiction, essay, poetry, etc.).
Poetry – Maximum 52 lines in length.
Prose – Maximum 1500 words.
Send your submissions to Please include “Art As Adjuvant Writing Competition” in the subject line, as well as your full name, telephone number and class year in the email. Please state that your work is original and that you authorize its publication in BCMJ or UBCMJ as per your preference.
John Donlan – A published poet and poetry editor and a former Ars Medica/Massey College Barbara Moon Fellow.
Dr. Monica Kidd – A Calgary-based author of novels and books of poetry and a Family Physician, she has been featured on CBC Reads.
Dr. Meera Dalal – A former UBC medical student and now a Resident in Internal Medicine with a passion for writing.
First prize – A financial award of $150, a calligraphy pen donated by The Vancouver Pen Shop (retail $280) and the opportunity to be published in the BCMAJ or the UBCMJ
Second prize – A gift certificate to Vancouver’s Regional Assembly of Text
The winners will be announced at the Arts in Medicine’s Coffee House April 8th with the opportunity to read.
Looking forward to your submissions!