April inspiration injection: Journeys past and future
This month marks the renewal of the Art as Adjuvant student initiative, as well as the launch of our new Arts in Medicine website. More importantly however, April brings a sigh of relief, promise of new beginnings, and a well deserved congratulations to our 4th year friends post Match Day! To say it is an emotional time I’m […]
A look back forward
A self reflection piece for the White Coat Warm Art Exhibit, experimenting with different media and dimensions to portray dimensions of time and space. A young medical student looks towards the future with nervous anticipation. 20 years pass. She’s become an experienced physician, her slight smile says “if only she knew it would all be […]
Sh*t UBC MD First Years Say
Produced and Directed by Golden Gao and Ben Huang. Hosted on YouTube.
UBC Medicine Interview Video 2014 (LipDub)
Produced and Directed by Golden Gao and Ben Huang starring the class of 2017. Hosted on YouTube.
Medball – UBC Medicine 2013 (James Bond Skyfall Parody)
directed by Alym Abdulla. Hosted on YouTube. After failing to match to UBC Surgery for residency, a disgruntled UofT medical student plots his revenge against UBC Medicine and Dr. Sharon Salloum, whom he falsely blames for his downfall. Little does he know that a UBC Honours student, James Bond, is on the case. Cast: James […]
UBC Arts in Medicine
Welcome to the official UBC Arts in Medicine website, and the new home of Art as Adjuvant. This site is designed to spark creativity, connect creatives, and showcase student work. Browse through work by your talented peers and be sure to post something of your own! Don’t forget to check out upcoming events.