As a new administrator for this wonderful site I am excited to provide the Art Inspiration Injection for March. As many have heard, a huge congratulations must go out to the 4th year class for matching to CaRMS this week. Medicine is forever a journey with endless checkpoints and this is certainly one of the biggest and most stressful. Everyone worked very hard and it’s crazy to think we will be in their shoes soon.
Another bright topic is the change in our seasons around this time. The sun is doing its best to peak through the clouds and I’m sure we are all excited to enjoy the beauty of BC as it warms up. Don’t forget to take some time from your studies to get out of the house and look up at our eye’s favourite canvas; or better yet, study outside!
I look forward to having more integration of this site with the Arts in Medicine club and really bringing together the diversity of talent in this program.
Lucas Dellabough, Class of 2019