Call for Submissions
WHITE COAT, Warm ART Exhibit ~ Montreal Quebec Canada April 16th-19th 2016.
We are pleased to announce the 7th “White COAT, Warm ART Exhibit” which is held annually in conjunction with the Canadian Conference on Medical education (CCME). This exhibit will showcase the creative talents of medical and other health sciences faculty, residents, students, and physicians and other health professionals from across Canada. This will be a juried exhibition. Entries will be accepted in a wide variety of categories, including oils, watercolour, photographs, pastels, etchings, pen and ink, etc. Some limited space will also be available for the display of small sculptures.
- Live Exhibit: Artists selected for the live exhibit must either plan to bring their art to the exhibit or arrange to have it brought by someone else. Any Shipping arrangements (delivery AND Packing for Return Shipping) must be arranged entirely by the artist (we don’t have the resources to arrange shipping). Any shipping (& Insurance) expenses are born by the artist.
- Digital Exhibit: If you don’t plan to attend the exhibit or are unable to have your art brought by a colleague, please submit to the “Digital Exhibit”.
Artistic Selection: For the live exhibit, preference will be given, to pieces of art that capture the human experience of practicing and/or learning medicine, however art that is not related to that specific theme, is welcomed. Selection for all pieces will be based on artistic merit, and demonstrated skill in effecting a particular artistic vision in the media chosen. Accompanying artist statements will be read and considered during the selection process and may be used (with the artists permission) at a later date in descriptions of the exhibit.
Judging will be carried out online so all entries (both categories) must be sent in for judging as digital images (96 DPI or a file size of >2MB). For paintings and sculptures, please include a clear digital image of the artwork showing as much detail as possible.
- Include in your email: 1) Title of Piece, Size, Media 2) your name, contact information (phone number, email address), 3) where you are (what school?) and what you do (e.g. medical student, resident, faculty…etc), 4) Email, and 5) a short artist’s statement (60 words max: for example, you may want to describe the work of art itself, or describe the role of art and its importance in your life, how your artistic endeavors may have affected your life (e.g., learning, life balance, well being, compassion, creativity, etc. )
- Email submission to:
NO LATER than Sunday January 10th, 2016.
- Artworks must be created by submitting faculty, residents, students or those involved in the healthcare/ wellness field
- Art displayed at other exhibits are welcomed.
- A maximum of 2 artworks per artist can be submitted.
Contact Dr. Courneya (UBC, Faculty of Medicine), or Dr. Brett-MacLean (UAlberta, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry)