November’s Inspiration Injection
Add a shot of art to complement your annual flu shot! This month’s Inspiration Injection is below. 1. The year has been flying – It’s November already! What’s come up in a hospital or class or life that still speaks to you? 2. November’s kinda a hibernation month – why not take the opportunity to […]
The facts
The fact that you stand as I sit, And you pace as I listen. And read how you were deferred From yet another orthopedic surgeon. The fact that you’re barely older than me, With joints traumatized by dislocations. A congenital condition like loose elastic bands, And desire joint replacements as kids prefer lolli’s. The fact […]
October’s Inspiration Injection
Autumn hellos. It’s yet another lovely month to curl up with some tea, pull out a paintbrush or pen, and join and participate in the AAA project! Please find this month’s Inspiration Injection below: 1. More than a month has flown by since the start of school, what thoughts/feelings/experiences have come up? 2. How does […]
Status quo
It angered me this am, While relaying your story to my staff physician, That when I said you were Aboriginal, It seemed to legitimize The fact that you’re here, The fact that you’re dying Too early, just like 3 of your siblings already. With a heart that’s tired, Vessels clogged, ravaged by toxic levels of […]
Sometimes I Wonder
I wonder sometimes, Between 3am ward calls, And figuring out Abx dosing – Never mind what bugs we’re fighting… How you’re doing, Beyond jokes about hospital food, A great view, a good book. I wonder how you feel when I ask you What you know and why you’re here, And you respond “my heart’s on […]
September’s Inspiration Injection
September already?! Welcome Art As Adjuvant project. Whether you draw, paint, poem, or finger paint, welcome! Please find this month’s Inspiration Injection below: 1. Beginnings are a great trip to reflect using arts, whether starting first year, clerkship, thinking ahead for residency, there’s lots going on! 2. Reflections on the summer break. 3. Choose your […]
A rash
I remember today why I love medicine, Why I chose this life, Which regularly has me questioning my own sanity. On my last week of 3rd year. In dermatology [an unexpected spot for insight]. Though to call it medicine, Without hesitation is a misnomer – I prefer the social[slash]medicinal side of things, Which rarely, though […]
Finding freedom through words
(Disclaimer: this is not really health-related per say, but rather is more about writing and the process of finding and celebrating its utility in my own life.) I want to dive dolphins without splash, Fly with these unfeathered, unflighted arms, Leap over great lakes and dead seas, Challenge my shadow to double double, triple speed. […]
July’s Inspiration Injection
Happy Canada Day and sunny summer! It’s another lovely month to join and participate in the AAA project. Please find this month’s Inspiration Injection below: 1. It’s summer! How does the sun and warmth enhance your creative expression? 2. Whether it’s the beginning of a new adventure (summer break? residency? research? travel? down time?) or […]
Thoughts from the front lines (Emergency)
Live deliberately. Say yes, and say no. Ask, look, listen and touch. Believe in your gut. Fist pump, snap and Smile often. And do it for you. First. The “experts” sit on rolling chairs. But the truth rests on front lines. On soles of shoes, finger nails, heart sounds. Seek your own. Talk, question, explore. […]
June’s Inspiration Injection
Happy June! Let the somewhat sunny(ier) weather put a jump in your step and please welcomed to join and participate in the AAA project. Please find this month’s Inspiration Injection below: 1. June is the step into summer – a great time for creativity and fun! 2. There’s been lots of interest in the AAA […]
Yes, I bleed.
This was written after reflecting on a long gynecology call shift… Yes, I bleed. Or rather I used to, Until this thing was inserted into my vagina. An Intrauterine System, they call it. Or Merena, if you prefer a softer, more human name. And my monthly flow, moontime, as you will – Well, that now […]
May’s Inspiration Injection
Cheery blossom-filled greetings, Here is May’s Art As Adjuvant Injection Inspiration. Please feel welcomed to join and participate in the AAA project this month. 1. It’s officially and refreshingly spring – what inspiration does this bring? 2. It’s an important time with graduation for our 4th year colleagues, any reflections over the previous years? 3. […]
Wow, the residents talk fast.
Of places we need to be, times we need to note. Topics we need to know, acronyms we yet don’t. Such that we type them into our brain phones. Tap tap tap like starving woodpeckers probe wood for worms, As if this slippery sustenance of knowledge could Replace the companion on each new rotation: A […]
Bulbs birth from flexibilizing soil, Smiles jump on sun rays, Parks fill, kids swing, kites soar. Possibility reaches to sky, open. Meanwhile, uteruses ache. Apparently. Your question re: freezing, Discords with the winded daffodils, That dance outside our clinic windows. You too reach for possibility, That current situation doesn’t afford. Ready for birth, to rock […]
April’s Inspiration Injection
Greetings colleagues, A sunny, blossom-filled April to you! The beginning of Spring is a perfect time to jump into creativity mode, please feel welcomed to join and participate in the AAA project. Please find this month’s Inspiration Injection below.. 1. What does springtime signify to you? 2. Where does your own inspiration for medicine/health come […]
Open ended questions
“And what are your thoughts about that?” I hear myself ask. Awake, often. And now even in my dreams. Week 5 of psych and I try to be open ended. I ask, as I’d like to know how you construct reality, How neurons, transmitters intersect with personality, world. How your thoughts take form, How you […]
March’s Inspiration Injection!
Greetings colleagues, Happy March! Please find this month’s Inspiration Injection below or contact us for more information about this arts-infused project. 1. There are lots of big exciting things coming up: CaRMS; elective selection; surviving to tell the tale of B&B, Cardio fun, Gala… great topics to reflect on using art. 2. We’re lucky in […]