First of all, a big welcome to the Class of 2019! It seems only moments ago I was where you are now, excited to finally start learning medicine, but finding I’m being overwhelmed by forms and paper work and club promotions etc. etc.
Well joy! Another club promotion to add to the list! But fear not, this one does not involve monthly meetings or scheduling Doodles. The Arts in Medicine student Blog exists for use at your leisure, to share and celebrate variations of talent and art that is our diverse student body.
If you’ve not heard of us before, please check out our website for information, including events organized by the Arts in Medicine society, but more importantly, information on how to create an account and show us some of what you do outside of medicine.
And to reiterate, this is open to ANY and ALL medical/dental students, whether you think you are worthy of being called an artist/painter/poet/singer/dancer or not. It’s a safe space to reflect and utilize that self care!
I look forward to seeing your work in the coming months.
Csilla Egri, Class of 2017